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Shawn Anderson, an honor student, who is scheduled to graduate in 2017 from the Drafting & CAD Technology Program, was named the TCAT-Memphis 2016 Outstanding Student of the Year (OSY). This statewide program was implemented to spotlight the role of technical education in Tennessee and to celebrate the success of the students enrolled in the 27 technical colleges throughout the state.
Anderson, who is the vice-president of the TCAT-Memphis SkillsUSA Chapter, has been described by his instructor, Norris Washington, as a talented, passionate and dedicated student.
Mr. Washington said he nominated Anderson because he is a remarkable young man who has raised the bar for all students through his example. He is the first student to arrive in class each morning and maintains an average of 98%. Anderson, who is currently completing a coop in the drafting field, will compete in the West TN Regional competition on January 17 at TCAT-Jackson.